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Senior Scams

Published on 6/15/2016

15 June 2016

People who are living alone sometimes get unwelcome calls or visits. Here's a blurb about Senior Scams. Seniors lose billions of dollars each year to heartless fraudsters. Here are some tips to be sure that you don’t fall victim to “senior scams.”

• Never give your bank account, Social Security number or credit card information over the phone to someone you don’t know, even if they appear to be from a legitimate institution like the IRS.

• Don’t respond to a message on your computer that says your virus protection has been compromised.

• Don’t send money to anyone who says they’re in a hospital in a foreign country and needs help.

• Don’t respond to a notification that you have won a sweepstakes and need to make a payment to unlock the prize.

• If someone who sounds like your grandchild calls to say they’re in trouble, immediately call their cell phone or check with their parents to make sure that it’s a scam and they’re okay.

-The IRS never communicates via phone or email – they only communicate via US mail.

-New Medicare cards do not have SS numbers, but people are calling to confirm receipt and try to get the number.

-Beware of vendors recommending repair of roofs, chimney or driveway - either over the phone or in person. Especially scrutinize proposals for places you can't see.

For more information, contact the Elder Abuse

Hotline at 800-677-1116.